
Beiträge: 8.920
Dabei seit: 04.03.2012
Wohnort: <Info auf Anfrage>
Betreff: Re: Indy I - III _ Kleine Filmdetails
Das Foto, das Du da gefunden hast, ist von einer deleted Scene.
Hier sind noch drei weitere davon.
Zitat von Lucasfilm Magazine - July/August 2001 - Number 30:While traveling to Pankot Palace Willie, obstructed by the odors of the elephant which carries her, pours the integrally of a bottle of perfume on the animal. In film, one finds awhile later the animal which, dissatisfied to be soaked with the kind, stops in the middle of a river and, using his horn, sprinkles its back as well as the momentary one which it transports. This one falls finally into turbid water from the river, which causes general hilarity.
In the beginning, the scene was longer. The elephant did not react only to its "freshing up", but also to Willie's vocalizes. Forgetting the hostile jungle, thanks to the perfume, and finding a little of its social context, Willie starts with deployed throat the song heard at the beginning of film. Carried by the melody, Indy and Short Round made in the same way with a song of their vintage. The perfume and the maintaining noise is definitely too much for the elephant which, with a blow of horn, also radically stops the odor and the songs. Indy and Short Round can do nothing else than explode into laughter.
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mal editiert, das letzte Mal am 01.02.2025, 20:40 von Pascal.