1, 2
Umfrage: Hat "Tempel des Todes" hat bei "James Bond - Octopussy" abgekupfert?
3 42.8571428571%
Nein, das ist nur Zufall
4 57.1428571429%
Abgegebene Stimmen: 7
04.07.2016, 14:27 ★ Aldridge
switch Betreff: Re: Octopussy vs. ToD

Zitat von Valeska:
Du hast nicht wirklich von mir eine Antwort auf deine Fragen erwartet? Die Fragen sind für mich eher rhetorischer Art.
Aber siehst du den keine Ähnlichkeit der Szenen mit denen in ToD?

Doch habe ich, deshalb frage ich ja.

Und ja: Sehe ich. Kenne aber viele Ähnlichkeiten zwischen Filmen, deshalb bin ich bei Verschwörungstheorien eher vorsichtig. Die Ähnlichkeiten zwischen Tempel und Young Sherlock finde ich z.B. gravierender (beides übrigens Spielberg-Produktionen).
04.07.2016, 15:24 ★ Pascal
switch Betreff: Re: Octopussy vs. ToD

Ich denke, man kann her Gerüchte relativ einfach entkräften, indem man sich die entsprechenden alten Versionen der Drehbücher anschaut.


Ich habe allerdings hier keine Bond-Skripte auf meiner Festplatte...
Laird Dr. Pascal Ivanović Kurosawa is one of the most over-rated moderators in this forum.
aktuell page of diary in work: sign.10,page11 (No. 155 of 288)
Dieser Beitrag wurde 3 mal editiert, das letzte Mal am 04.07.2016, 19:01 von Pascal.
04.07.2016, 17:06 ★ Aldridge
switch Betreff: Re: Octopussy vs. ToD

Wer hat das schon? (rhetorische Frage)

Die Frage wäre aber höchstens, warum das ursprüngliche Script, an dem Glen mitgearbeitet hatte, abgelehnt bzw. ersetzt worden ist? Und gab´s dann besonderen Zeitdruck beim zweiten Script?
Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert, das letzte Mal am 04.07.2016, 17:07 von Aldridge.
11.07.2016, 11:58 ★ Valeska
switch Betreff: Re: Octopussy vs. ToD

Kleine Zwischenmeldung zur Zeitschiene:


The Making of Octopussy

Posted on April 14, 2015 by admin    

Octopussy is the lucky thirteen James Bond film that came out in 1983. In 1982, before production began, it did not appear to be so lucky due to news that Sean Connery was going to be starring in NNever Say Never Again.

In the fall of 1981, George MacDonald Fraser began working on the Octopussy script in Los Angeles. The filmed was based on Ian Fleming’s short stories Octopussy and The Property of a Lady. Richard Maibaum and Michael G. Wilson would also eventually contribute to the script. The script, like many others, used bits and parts of Fleming’s work, but was by in large totally original. John Glen would once again be the director for this Bond film.

For locations, it was decided to go to India for the first time in Bond history. After scouting locations in India, the producers decided upon the city of Udaipur. Almost all of the main filming locations were with a short driving distance of Udaipur. While scouting locations in India, Peter Lamont was on a plane that was hijacked and ended with the death of the hijacker. Once the main location was decided upon, it was time to pick the cast...
... Filming began on August 10, 1982, with filming at the Berlin Wall, where Bond goes through Checkpoint Charlie. The following week shooting began at Pinewood Studios with Bonds entrance into Miss Moneypenny’s office. For the first time in series history, Miss Moneypenney was given an assistant.

RAF Northolt was used for the pre credit sequence involving the BD-5 Micro, better known as the Bede Jet. Corkey Fornof was the pilot for this sequence. Models and creativity were used to complete the sequence where the jet flies into and then out of as the hangar blows up. ... A miniature was used for when the hangar was blown up. Meanwhile the ending flight sequence was filmed in the United States. After the hangar sequence was done, filming was moved to work on the train sequence. This sequence was done in England, on the Nene Valley Railway, near Peterborough.

In mid September, filming returned to Pinewood. On September 22, the 1st unit had moved to India and began filming the taxi sequence. There were issues with the large numbers of people that showed up. Filming in India was an issue for Roger Moore, because of the heat and the constant wardrobe changes. Places filmed in India included the Monsoon Palace, the Lake Palace, Jag Mandir and Shiv Niwas Palace. The second unit remained in England filming the train sequence using stunt doubles. During this filming, stuntman Martin Grace suffered severe injuries when he hit a concrete post while hanging on to the train. He would make a full recovery, but stuntman Paul Weston (Anm.: ebenfalls Stuntman bei RAIDERS und RETURN OF THE JEDI) was brought in to replace him. At the beginning of October, the hunt sequence at Kamal’s palace was filled. During some of the filming in India, snakes had to be used. The crews had several issues with the snakes including them wanting to keep getting out of their baskets. ...

December began with the filming of Octopussy’s palace and by mid December the Indian bazaar sequence was filmed at Pinewood. January saw production wrapped up. The film premiered on June 6, 1983 at London’s Odeon Leicester Square. ...
Dieser Beitrag wurde 2 mal editiert, das letzte Mal am 11.07.2016, 12:03 von Valeska.
11.07.2016, 14:22 ★ Pascal
switch Betreff: Re: Octopussy vs. ToD

Hat wirklich was von Verschwörungstheore. Grinsender Smiley

Aber trotz all meiner Skeptiik nun ein Update hier: https://indiana-jones-forum.de/...=1#p197340
Laird Dr. Pascal Ivanović Kurosawa is one of the most over-rated moderators in this forum.
aktuell page of diary in work: sign.10,page11 (No. 155 of 288)
11.07.2016, 15:05 ★ Pascal
switch Betreff: Re: Octopussy vs. ToD


The Making of Octopussy

Posted on April 14, 2015 by admin    

Octopussy is the lucky thirteen James Bond film that came out in 1983. In 1982, before production began, it did not appear to be so lucky due to news that Sean Connery was going to be starring in NNever Say Never Again.

In the fall of 1981, George MacDonald Fraser began working on the Octopussy script in Los Angeles. The filmed was based on Ian Fleming’s short stories Octopussy and The Property of a Lady. Richard Maibaum and Michael G. Wilson would also eventually contribute to the script. The script, like many others, used bits and parts of Fleming’s work, but was by in large totally original. John Glen would once again be the director for this Bond film.

Lucas/Spielberg/Huyck/Katz 4-day story meeting, Spring 1982

Lucas "Temple of Death" treatment (20 pages) May 30, 1982

First Draft, August 1, 1982

For locations, it was decided to go to India for the first time in Bond history. After scouting locations in India, the producers decided upon the city of Udaipur. Almost all of the main filming locations were with a short driving distance of Udaipur. While scouting locations in India, Peter Lamont was on a plane that was hijacked and ended with the death of the hijacker. Once the main location was decided upon, it was time to pick the cast...
... Filming began on August 10, 1982, with filming at the Berlin Wall, where Bond goes through Checkpoint Charlie. The following week shooting began at Pinewood Studios with Bonds entrance into Miss Moneypenny’s office. For the first time in series history, Miss Moneypenney was given an assistant.

RAF Northolt was used for the pre credit sequence involving the BD-5 Micro, better known as the Bede Jet. Corkey Fornof was the pilot for this sequence. Models and creativity were used to complete the sequence where the jet flies into and then out of as the hangar blows up. ... A miniature was used for when the hangar was blown up. Meanwhile the ending flight sequence was filmed in the United States. After the hangar sequence was done, filming was moved to work on the train sequence. This sequence was done in England, on the Nene Valley Railway, near Peterborough.

Revised First Draft, September 13, 1982

In mid September, filming returned to Pinewood. On September 22, the 1st unit had moved to India and began filming the taxi sequence. There were issues with the large numbers of people that showed up. Filming in India was an issue for Roger Moore, because of the heat and the constant wardrobe changes. Places filmed in India included the Monsoon Palace, the Lake Palace, Jag Mandir and Shiv Niwas Palace. The second unit remained in England filming the train sequence using stunt doubles. During this filming, stuntman Martin Grace suffered severe injuries when he hit a concrete post while hanging on to the train. He would make a full recovery, but stuntman Paul Weston (Anm.: ebenfalls Stuntman bei RAIDERS und RETURN OF THE JEDI) was brought in to replace him. At the beginning of October, the hunt sequence at Kamal’s palace was filled. During some of the filming in India, snakes had to be used. The crews had several issues with the snakes including them wanting to keep getting out of their baskets. ...

December began with the filming of Octopussy’s palace and by mid December the Indian bazaar sequence was filmed at Pinewood. January saw production wrapped up. The film premiered on June 6, 1983 at London’s Odeon Leicester Square. ...

Shooting script revision, March 1, 1983

Revision "Temple of Doom" (128 pages) March 10, 1983

Shooting script revision, April 10, 1983

Scenes rewritten and inserted, June 21, 1983

Scenes rewritten and inserted, July 14, 1983

Revised final shooting script (128 pages) July 20, 1983

Laird Dr. Pascal Ivanović Kurosawa is one of the most over-rated moderators in this forum.
aktuell page of diary in work: sign.10,page11 (No. 155 of 288)
Dieser Beitrag wurde 2 mal editiert, das letzte Mal am 11.07.2016, 15:07 von Pascal.
11.07.2016, 15:08 ★ Lacombe
switch Betreff: Re: Octopussy vs. ToD

Also ich muss sagen, dass die beiden Filme nun wirklich kaum Ähnlichkeit haben. Das eine ist eine "Kalter-Krieg-Geschichte" mit indischem Intermezzo gewürzt, das andere eine Mischung aus Abenteuer- und völlig abgehobenem Comicfilm. Ich kenne beide Filme schon seit jahrzehnten und noch nie hatte ich ein Déjà vu.
12.07.2016, 09:47 ★ Valeska
switch Betreff: Re: Octopussy vs. ToD

Zitat von Pascal:
Hat wirklich was von Verschwörungstheore. Grinsender Smiley

Aber trotz all meiner Skeptiik nun ein Update hier: https://indiana-jones-forum.de/...=1#p197340

Verschwörungstherorie ist etwas sehr hoch gegriffen. Ich vermute ja keine böse Absicht dahinter und nicht einmal Absicht ansich. Ich denke eher, dass Filmbeteildigte beider Filme Alltags-Smalltalk miteinander hielten und unbewußt Ideen über mehrere Personen so kommuniziert wurden, so dass sie später den Sprung in das Drehbuch schafften - ohne dass der/diejenige wusste, dass es ähnlich für den anderen Film eingesetzt wurde.
12.07.2016, 11:05 ★ Pascal
switch Betreff: Re: Octopussy vs. ToD

Kann auch gut sein. Aber alle Verknüpfungen die wir (also hautsächlich Du) bislang aufdecken konnten, liegen auf der Zeitschiene eher weiter hinten, also als die Drehbücher schon ziemlich pärzies ausformuliert waren. Dann sind wir also noch immer eher bei dem, was ich in menem Posting weiter oben "Zeitgeist" genannt habe.

Ein Knaller wäre nun natürlich, wenn wir eine z.B. eine Verbindung von Fraser und Huyck Ende 1981 finden würden.
Laird Dr. Pascal Ivanović Kurosawa is one of the most over-rated moderators in this forum.
aktuell page of diary in work: sign.10,page11 (No. 155 of 288)