Dt. Indiana Jones Fan Forum

#1 03.04.2019, 10:30
Pascal Abwesend

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Dabei seit: 04.03.2012
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Betreff: die (lückenlose?) VHS-Dokumentation über Jocks WACO UBF-2
"Rare Raiders of the Lost Ark BTS Footage" über die Flugszene mit Fred Sorenson:

YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTUjN5sq4Dk

Zitat von Joe Hughes (You-Tube, 02.04.2019):
This has been sitting in my Grandfathers VHS collection for decades, and I don't believe it has ever been shown to the public

When filming the "Jock! Start the Engine!" scene, the production of Indiana Jones and Raiders of the Lost Ark rented a plane from my Grandfathers neighbor (who was a good piloting friend as well). His family was there filming during the trip to Hawaii, and captured a lot of behind the scenes footage of the creation of the small moment. This upload is for educational purposes. It is amazing the ups and downs the whole process took, and it must have taken a very large budget for such a small moment. I will soon have a commentary track with my grandfather to provide more details. I mean really, they wrecked the plane and had to repair it. It's quite the story.

Converted from original VHS by doily0 on Reddit if that works for proof.

Dies liegt seit Jahrzehnten in der VHS-Sammlung meines Großvaters. Ich glaube nicht, dass es jemals der Öffentlichkeit gezeigt wurde.

Beim Filmen der "Jock! Start the Engine!"-Szene mietete die Produktiongesellschaft von "Jäger der verlorenen Schatzes" ein Flugzeug vom Nachbarn meines Großvaters (der ebenfalls ein guter Flieger und ein Freund war). Seine Familie drehte dort während der Reise nach Hawaii und nahm bei der Entstehung der kurzen Szene eine Menge hinter den Kulissen auf. Dieser Upload dient zu Bildungszwecken. Es ist erstaunlich, welche Höhen und Tiefen der gesamte Prozess durchlief. Die kurze Szene muss verhältnismäßig viel gekostet haben. Ich werde bald eine Tonspur mit Kommentaren meines Großvater haben, um mehr Details zu liefern. Also ernsthaft: sie hatten einen Unfall mit dem Flugzeug und mussten es reparieren. Das ist die ganze Geschichte.

Konvertiert vom ursprünglichen VHS mit doily0 auf Reddit, wenn es funktioniert.

Laird Dr. Pascal Ivanović Kurosawa is one of the most over-rated moderators in this forum.
aktuell page of diary in work: sign.10,page11 (No. 155 of 288)
Dieser Beitrag wurde 6 mal editiert, das letzte Mal am 08.04.2019, 21:45 von Pascal.  

#2 03.04.2019, 15:15
Pascal Abwesend

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Dabei seit: 04.03.2012
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Betreff: Re: die (lückenlose?) VHS-Dokumentation über Jocks Flieger
Zitat von Joe Hughes (You-Tube, 02.04.2019):
It was shot on 8mm but my grandfather converted it to VHS which is the version I have. It is very doubtful that the original tapes are still around.

Zitat von Joe Hughes (You-Tube, 02.04.2019):
Plane returned home with its owner Hank (Junction City, Oregon), and he held on to it till his passing. It was the first plane I ever flew in when I was a child!

Laird Dr. Pascal Ivanović Kurosawa is one of the most over-rated moderators in this forum.
aktuell page of diary in work: sign.10,page11 (No. 155 of 288)

#3 04.04.2019, 15:29
Pascal Abwesend

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Dabei seit: 04.03.2012
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Betreff: Re: die (lückenlose?) VHS-Dokumentation über Jocks Flieger
Zitat von You-Tube:
Video nicht verfügbar
Dieses Video wurde vom Nutzer entfernt

Laird Dr. Pascal Ivanović Kurosawa is one of the most over-rated moderators in this forum.
aktuell page of diary in work: sign.10,page11 (No. 155 of 288)

#4 08.04.2019, 14:35
Pascal Abwesend

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Beiträge: 8.830
Dabei seit: 04.03.2012
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Betreff: Re: die (lückenlose?) VHS-Dokumentation über Jocks Flieger
Hoffentlich veröffentlicht Joe Hughes es noch einmal, wenn er die Kommentare fertig hat...

Zitat von Erickson Aircraft Collection (Facebook):
WACO UBF-2 -Flown in the Movie "Raiders of the Lost Ark".- ON DISPLAY at Erickson Aircraft Collection.

After an exhaustive search for Indiana Jones's South American escape plane, this l930s Waco biplane was finally located in Junction City Oregon. Owned and cherished by Henry and Alice Strauch, the plane was the only one found that fit all the requirements of the movie - single engine, open cockpit, and the original floaters which allowed for landing and taking off on water. Production designer Norman Reynolds had the plane painted to match the aircraft of the period, and added a small touch of humor as well - note the use of the two Star Wars characters OB (as in Obi-Wan Kenobi) and 3PO as the plane's identification numbers. This valuable antique plane finally returned home to Oregon and its regular routine - The plane is now owned by Ron Braatz and on display at the Erickson Aircraft Collection.

Laird Dr. Pascal Ivanović Kurosawa is one of the most over-rated moderators in this forum.
aktuell page of diary in work: sign.10,page11 (No. 155 of 288)
Dieser Beitrag wurde 2 mal editiert, das letzte Mal am 08.04.2019, 14:39 von Pascal.  

#5 08.04.2019, 14:46
Propstar Abwesend

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Betreff: Re: die (lückenlose?) VHS-Dokumentation über Jocks WACO UBF-2
im Disneyland Tokio steht eine fake Version.

Zitat von Pascal:
Hoffentlich veröffentlicht Joe Hughes es noch einmal, wenn er die Kommentare fertig hat...

Zitat von Erickson Aircraft Collection (Facebook):
WACO UBF-2 -Flown in the Movie "Raiders of the Lost Ark".- ON DISPLAY at Erickson Aircraft Collection.

After an exhaustive search for Indiana Jones's South American escape plane, this l930s Waco biplane was finally located in Junction City Oregon. Owned and cherished by Henry and Alice Strauch, the plane was the only one found that fit all the requirements of the movie - single engine, open cockpit, and the original floaters which allowed for landing and taking off on water. Production designer Norman Reynolds had the plane painted to match the aircraft of the period, and added a small touch of humor as well - note the use of the two Star Wars characters OB (as in Obi-Wan Kenobi) and 3PO as the plane's identification numbers. This valuable antique plane finally returned home to Oregon and its regular routine - The plane is now owned by Ron Braatz and on display at the Erickson Aircraft Collection.


#6 08.04.2019, 19:01
The German Abwesend

Beiträge: 1.375
Dabei seit: 27.12.2004
Wohnort: Hannover

Betreff: Re: die (lückenlose?) VHS-Dokumentation über Jocks WACO UBF-2
Fake? Egal... sieht dennoch sehr schön aus. :-)
Fühle welches Lied in dir spielt.

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