Dt. Indiana Jones Fan Forum

#1 05.05.2013, 16:57
lornconner Abwesend

Beiträge: 6
Dabei seit: 05.05.2013
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Betreff: Helfen, dass Indiana Jones und der Turm von Babel-Arbeit für ein English User?
Translated German:

Zuerst, ich entschuldige mich - ich dont ' t sprechen Deutsch, so dass I musste Babelfish verwenden, um zu versuchen und zu übersetzen. (Geeignet, wenn man bedenkt, dass dieses Spiel mit den Turm von Babel!)

I habe viele Methoden versucht, aber nichts funktioniert.

I habe versucht, mit Mark Useggers die scheint bekannt zu sein, als auch die Indiana Jones 5-Installer, der Penumbra (bei indy.mamo-net.de) aber ich kontinuierlich hergestellt wurde Ausführen in stürzt entweder bei dem Versuch, das Spiel zu laden oder beim Versuch, den Canyonlands laden.

Basierend auf andere Threads I gelesen habe, klingt es wie es Probleme mit läuft das Spiel in Auflösungen als 1024 x 768, aber I habe auch gelesen gibt, dass man das Spiel mit dem 3d Sound laufen CheckBox aktiviert, und in True Color (32-Bit)-Modus.

Das Problem I habe ist, dass das 3dsound Kontrollkästchen deaktiviert ist, und speichern das Video mit True Color aktiviert Doesn ' t "stick Optionen"-es schaltet gleich wieder auf 16-Bit-Modus, nachdem I haben die Einstellungen gespeichert.

I bin Windows 7 (64-Bit-Edition) auf ein Alienware M14x-r2 ausgeführt.

Grafikkarte ist eine Nvidia GeForce GT 650M, laufenden Treiber. (vom 14.03.13)

Soundkarte ist eine Sound Blaster Recon-3Di.

I habe versucht beide Jones3d.exe ausgeführt und und Indy3d.exe in verschiedenen Kompatibilitätsmodi und ohne. Die meisten Compatability-Modi häufig abstürzen, die meisten stabil scheint Windows XP SP3, mit "Disable Visual Themes", "Disable desktop-Composition", "Disable-Anzeige, die Skalierung bei hohem DPI Einstellungen", und "run als Administrator" ausgewählten.

Interessanterweise nach der Installateure-Didn ' t scheinen, um meine Probleme zu beheben ich fand das herunterladen und Installieren der J3dUpdate1.2.exe erlaubt mir das Spiel jedes Mal geladen, ohne Abstürze und erfolgreich den Canyonlands eingeben.

Jedoch wenn ich versuche zu speichern oder laden alle Spiele (entweder aus dem Start-Menü oder im Spiel selbst) erhalten I einen sofortigen Absturz.

Die einzige Ausnahme scheint Quicksave oder Quickload zu sein - diese beiden zu funktionieren scheint.

Bekam jeder irgendwelche Ideen?

Vielen Dank für jede Hilfe, die Sie leisten können!




First, I apologize - I don't speak German, so I've had to use Babelfish to try and translate. (Appropriate, considering this game deals with
the Tower of Babel!)

I've been trying to get Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine running for quite some time, and no matter what method I'm using, nothing seems to work.

I've tried using Mark Useggers installation method which seems to be well known, as well as the Indiana Jones 5 installer that was produced by Penumbra (at indy.mamo-net.de) but I continually run into crashes either while trying to load the game or when trying to load the Canyonlands.

Based on other threads I've read, it sounds like there are issues with running the game in resolutions other than 1024 x 768, but I've also read that you need to run the game with the 3d sound checkbox enabled, and in True Color (32-bit) mode.

The problem I'm having is that the 3dsound checkbox is disabled, and saving the video options with True Color enabled doesn't "stick" - it switches right back to 16-bit mode after i've supposedly saved the settings.

This is drivine me nuts!

I'm running Windows 7 (64-bit edition) on an Alienware M14x-r2.

Video card is an Nvidia GeForce GT 650M, running drivers. (dated 03/14/13)

Sound card is a Sound Blaster Recon 3Di.

I've tried running both Jones3d.exe and and Indy3d.exe in various compatibility modes, and without. Most compatability modes crash frequently, most stable seems to be Windows XP SP3, with "Disable Visual Themes", "Disable desktop composition", "Disable display scaling on high DPI settings", and "run as administrator" selected.

Interestingly, after the installers didn't seem to correct my problems, I did find that downloading and installing the J3dUpdate1.2.exe DOES allow me to load the game every time without crashes, and succesfully enter the Canyonlands.

However, if I attempt to save or load any games (either from the launcher menu or within the game itself) I'll get an immediate crash.

The only exception seems to be Quicksave or Quickload - both of these seem to work.

Anybody got any ideas?

Thanks for any help you can provide!


#2 08.05.2013, 18:09
Penumbra Abwesend
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Dabei seit: 18.06.2011
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Betreff: Helfen, dass Indiana Jones und der Turm von Babel-Arbeit für ein English User?
Hello Lorn,

first you should uninstall and remove all your current installation files, restart your computer and then install the game again using the Installer.
You don't need to install J3dUpdate1.2.exe, because the update already is included in the Installer!
Check the date of Indy3D.exe in the folder "Resource", when it's from 2010, the Installer successful patched the files. If it's from 1999, there's something wrong with the installation.
It's normal, that the color depth always will be reseted to 16-bit. It's a bug and there's no way to fix that. You have to change to 32-bit every time before starting the game.
You can use any resolution, I recommend full native resolution of your screen. The only problem is that the Field-Of-View doesn't support widescreen.
Your drivers are all OK.
But after you have installed the game, doesn't use any compatibility mode. Do not use it! There's a file you have to install, located in the "Resource" folder:

Install "Indy3D.sdb" by select "Open" and then search for the file you have to open with. Search for "sdbinst.exe" in the folder "WINDOWS\System32\". Select this file and then click OK to install Indy3D.sdb.
By this method, all important compatibility fixes will be installed.

If it still doesn't work, please download the manual patcher, extract the archive and copy all files into the game folder (replace all).
Then install Indy3D.sdb as I said before.
Dieser Beitrag wurde 3 mal editiert, das letzte Mal am 08.05.2013, 18:22 von Penumbra.  

#3 09.05.2013, 20:56
lornconner Abwesend

Beiträge: 6
Dabei seit: 05.05.2013
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Betreff: Re: Helfen, dass Indiana Jones und der Turm von Babel-Arbeit für ein English User?
Thank You very much Penumbra! This actually did solve my problem, and it's been driving me crazy for days!

I only have one further question...is it possible to disable the CD check once the game is installed? I'm trying to get all of the old Lucasarts Classics resurrected and running in Windows 7, and then hopefully launch them from Steam. I'm running all of these on a laptop, and hate having to lug CD's around.

Alternatively, is it possible to create ISO images of the disks, install from mounted ISO's, and then run with mounted ISO's?

If it's not possible, I suppose it's a small price to pay to have one of my old favorites running again.

Thanks very much for creating the installer, and helping me to get it run. I can't tell you how relieved I am that I'll still be able to enjoy this game after so many years. (So far, it's the only old Lucasarts game I hadn't been able to get

(Side Note: I'm trying to ressurect every single Lucasarts game that I can - now that Lucasarts has shut down, I fear these games are in danger of disappearing altogether - simply due to the fact that they don't tend to play well
with modern operating systems.)

I think it's only appropriate to try and preserve our gaming history by keeping these classics running, and what better example than Indiana? These things DO belong in a museum!

Thanks once again, Penumbra. You've made me a very happy man!

#4 10.05.2013, 18:52
Penumbra Abwesend
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Dabei seit: 18.06.2011
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Betreff: Helfen, dass Indiana Jones und der Turm von Babel-Arbeit für ein English User?
Nice to hear that!
Was the .sdb file the solution to get it running now?

To answer your question if it's possible to play without CD check: Yes, someone managed to avoid the CD ckeck, but that means to disable the launcher.
I recommend to create an Iso file of the disk and play with a virtual drive. That works also.

Well, Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine is a masterpiece and worth for a museum!
But there are even some further masterpieces: Gothic, Risen, The Witcher, Penumbra, Amnesia, NFS Porsche Unleashed, World Racing, Project C.A.R.S., Tomb Raider, Dragon's Lair 3D, Limbo, ...

Hope you have much fun playing this epic game!

Dieser Beitrag wurde 5 mal editiert, das letzte Mal am 10.05.2013, 18:59 von Penumbra.  

#5 10.05.2013, 20:24
lornconner Abwesend

Beiträge: 6
Dabei seit: 05.05.2013
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Betreff: Re: Helfen, dass Indiana Jones und der Turm von Babel-Arbeit für ein English User?
Hi Penumbra!

Yes, the .sdb file seemed to be what fixed the issue!

You mentioned that it's possible to avoid the CD-check, but that it would disable the launcher. Do you mean that you would launch from something other than Jones3d.exe? If so, do you know how this would be done?

I don't really have a lot of experience creating/mounting ISO's. I can probably figure out how to create the ISO, but do you know if it's possible to automount the ISO's on boot? (And would doing so eat up a lot of memory?)

If you don't know the answers to these questions, can you point me in a direction that might help?

Thanks once again for the installer, and especially for the .sdb trick that fixed my issue - I'm hoping to steal a little time this weekend to jump into the game!


#6 10.05.2013, 21:09
Penumbra Abwesend
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Dabei seit: 18.06.2011
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Betreff: Helfen, dass Indiana Jones und der Turm von Babel-Arbeit für ein English User?
I don't know how to do that. But a friend of mine managed to avoid the CD check.
The problem is that you only will be able to start from Indy3D.exe, this skip intro video and external user options etc.
But if you want, the person is "reasonuser" from here (find him by reading the comments): http://www.replaying.de/...sta-7-x64/

You can sent him a message, perhaps he will give you some more hints about that.

You really should play this game, it's one of the most immersing and interesting games of all time!
Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert, das letzte Mal am 10.05.2013, 21:10 von Penumbra.  

#7 11.05.2013, 21:39
lornconner Abwesend

Beiträge: 6
Dabei seit: 05.05.2013
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Betreff: Re: Helfen, dass Indiana Jones und der Turm von Babel-Arbeit für ein English User?
I'm afraid I'm probably going to have to give up any hope of getting this to work.

I was running the game flawlessly, and even managed to make it run after creating ISO's and mounting them. It worked perfectly, and I was able to save and load games just fine. I made it through the Canyonlands, saved my game, and exited.

Since then, the game refuses to load - it crashes upon start.

I've double checked to make sure I'm not running in compatibility mode on either Jones3d.exe or Indy3d.exe. I did notice there was no uninstall option for the game (though there was an entry for Indy3d.exe?) I've tried uninstalling that (which doesn't seem to actually remove the game files.) I've manually removed the game files, rebooted, reinstalled (from both original CD's and the ISO's I created from those CD's), I've tried installing to a new location, and nothing seems to work.

Where before the game would load every time, now the only way I can get the software to launch is to run in compatibility mode again, and that reintroduces the save/load bug.

I'm heartbroken...the only thing I can guess is that somehow something has become corrupted and is not properly removing, but I have no way to tell what it is.

If you have any further advice, I'd appreciate it...but right now, it's looking like I may have to give up.

#8 12.05.2013, 11:30
Penumbra Abwesend
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Dabei seit: 18.06.2011
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Betreff: Re: Helfen, dass Indiana Jones und der Turm von Babel-Arbeit für ein English User?
The "Indy3d" entry in the uninstall options is not the exe, it's the .sdb you had installed. Shouldn't uninstall that.
When you want to uninstall the game, you just need to remove the file folder.

There's any crash log or window? What does it say?

What happened when you save and load by F5 and F8 ingame?

#9 13.05.2013, 03:27
lornconner Abwesend

Beiträge: 6
Dabei seit: 05.05.2013
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Betreff: Re: Helfen, dass Indiana Jones und der Turm von Babel-Arbeit für ein English User?
Yes, I suppose I didn't explain that very well.

I had figured out that the Uninstall option for Indy3d only deregistered the SDB file, and figured that the proper method of removal was just to remove the game directories and files.

In trying to troubleshoot yesterday so much, the exact sequence of events has gotten muddled in my mind, but I'll try to describe to you what I *think* I did as best as I can remember.

1. After you had given me the Indy3d.sdb trick, I tried it and verified that it worked - the game ran beautifully and finally allowed me to save and load games without issue. This was from a base install that was only from the disks and your installer.

2. After verifying that this worked, I resolved to try and make an ISO image of my disks and mount them to see if I could play without the CD's. I found that I could not use the mounted images because the installation of the game was expecting the game files in the D:\ drive (My CD-ROM drive) and not the E:\ drive (which was where the virtual mounted image was located.) I manually removed the files. It might be here that things began to go wrong...my memory gets fuzzy, so I'm not sure if it was here, or after step 3.

3. After removing the installed copy of the game, I mounted the images I had created from my CD's, ran your replacement installer using the mounted images as source, and verified that I could load the game and it wouldn't prompt me for the disk.

4. I *think* at this point I played using the mounted images and everything was working fine. I know at some point I managed to load the game, quicksave, quickload, standard save, and standard load, and play all the way through the Canyonlands without issue. I made it to the start of Babylon, saved my game and exited. It was only AFTER exiting the game that all of my problems began anew.

The thing is, I can't remember if I succesfully played through that first level from the disk based installation, or after the image based installation. Technically, it shouldn't matter because the images should be exact copies of the intsallation disks, but something definitely had to change. I'm nearly certain that I succesfully played through that first level after I had removed my initial installation and after installing from images - that's why I was so excited.

In the gloom of troubleshooting since, the details have gotten fuzzy, though.

Here's what I know for sure:

1. Since the problems began, it's almost like how things were *before* you gave me the Indy3d.sdb fix. The game will crash 100% of the time if not running in compatibility mode. This is true whether launching from Jones3d.exe or Indy3d.exe in the Resource directory.

2. I can get the game to load *sometimes* by running in compatability mode - most succesful seems to be running as XP SP2, as administrator. Even this is hit or miss. Most of the time the game will crash when loading into the Canyonlands. Other times it will let me in, and will allow me to quicksave. Sometimes it will allow me to attempt to save a game, but it will almost always (80%?) crash at this point and do a hard hang - nothing but opening the Task Manager and killing the process will return control. Other times it will allow me to save the game. In all cases, loading a game (either via quickload or standard load) will crash to Desktop, and usually prevent me from launching the game again.

3. In those cases where the game does crash to Desktop the failure message is usually:

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:    APPCRASH
Application Name:    Indy3d.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp:    3891bb91
Fault Module Name:    ntdll.dll
Fault Module Version:    6.1.7601.17725
Fault Module Timestamp:    4ec49b8f
Exception Code:    c0000005
Exception Offset:    00033ab3
OS Version:    6.1.7601.
Locale ID:    1033
Additional Information 1:    17ff
Additional Information 2:    17ffdeb5129ceb50b256f4116ffc6cf8
Additional Information 3:    b318
Additional Information 4:    b31806e551bac47803b723fee24aa1a2

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Oftnetime this will happen on the map loading screen into the Canyonlands, other times it will be after attempting to save or load.

There was one case where I got a message indicating it was a DirectInput error, but that was a one-off. I have not seen that message again.

Since these troubles began, I've tried mulitple corrections - uninstalling the Indy3d.sdb from the control panel, then manually removing the files; reintalling with your installer from the original game disks and not the mounted ISO's and repeating the Indy3d.sdb trick, repeating the uninstall and removal of game files; repeating the process and installing to a different directory; removing the files again and trying to install with Mark Useggers solution, then uninstalling and reattempting your installation method, and finally going through the registry and removing any entry having anything to do with "Infernal", "indy3d" or "jones3d" and then repeating the installation.

In all cases, the results have been the same.

The only thing that I can tell for absolutely sure is that the problems began after I succesfully completed the one level, saved my game, and exited. I had done nothing to change game performance after that - I'm just not sure what changed, and why I now can't negate whatever that change was.

Hope this information is helpful...if there's more you'd like me to capture, let me know and I'll do anything in my power to do so!


#10 13.05.2013, 19:00
Penumbra Abwesend
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Dabei seit: 18.06.2011
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Betreff: Re: Helfen, dass Indiana Jones und der Turm von Babel-Arbeit für ein English User?
Sorry, I can't help you with this problem.
Isn't it possible to load a canyonlands savegame and then press the quickload key to load latest quicksave from babylon or any other level?
Seems like the ntdll.dll cause the problem, it's something with the operating system.

I don't know about this issue, sorry.
The game runs perfectly on my computer on both systems, XP and Win7 64.

#11 14.05.2013, 16:14
lornconner Abwesend

Beiträge: 6
Dabei seit: 05.05.2013
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Betreff: Re: Helfen, dass Indiana Jones und der Turm von Babel-Arbeit für ein English User?
*sighs* I was afraid of that. I guess to get this thing to work, I'm probably going to have to format the machine and start over. If I decide to do that, I'll follow up with you to let you know what the results were.

Thanks for trying.


#12 24.02.2016, 12:01
Mashallah Abwesend

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Betreff: Re: Helfen, dass Indiana Jones und der Turm von Babel-Arbeit für ein English User?
um meine Probleme zu beheben ich fand das herunterladen und Installieren der J3dUpdate1.2.exe erlaubt mir das Spiel jedes Mal geladen, ohne Abstürze und erfolgreich den Canyonlands eingeben. ?

#13 02.03.2016, 20:12
Penumbra Abwesend
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Dabei seit: 18.06.2011
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Betreff: Re: Helfen, dass Indiana Jones und der Turm von Babel-Arbeit für ein English User?
Zitat von Mashallah:
um meine Probleme zu beheben ich fand das herunterladen und Installieren der J3dUpdate1.2.exe erlaubt mir das Spiel jedes Mal geladen, ohne Abstürze und erfolgreich den Canyonlands eingeben. ?

Du brauchst den Patch 1.2 nicht. Er ist bereits im Installer integriert, den ich verlinkt habe. Mit dem Patch allein wirst du es nicht spielen können. Der Installer ist Pflicht!

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