Dt. Indiana Jones Fan Forum

#41 14.06.2014, 13:25
Propstar Abwesend

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Betreff: Re: Raiders of the Lost Ark: The Adaptation
Es geht voran...

YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzrgmY-2rT4


#42 23.09.2014, 21:23
Pascal Abwesend

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Betreff: Re: Raiders of the Lost Ark: The Adaptation
der aktuelle Stand:
Zitat von Eric & Chris:
...The Airplane Scene is in post-production: We’re picture-locked, sound is handed off for final mix.

DuArt labs in NYC has graciously done our color correction for free, and Skywalker Sound is doing our final mix, at the ranch. Whoa.

Our volunteer veteran VFX Artist Perry Harovas (and KS Backer!) is working on removing wires and tow- lines...

Laird Dr. Pascal Ivanović Kurosawa is one of the most over-rated moderators in this forum.
aktuell page of diary in work: sign.10,page11 (No. 155 of 288)

#43 03.10.2014, 12:12
Pascal Abwesend

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Betreff: Re: Raiders of the Lost Ark: The Adaptation
Also ICH weis schon, was ich heute Abend machen werde. Grinsender Smiley

Zitat von Eric & Chris:
Released for the first time… this is our original, untouched version that we screened in our home town on the Mississippi Gulf Coast in 1989. [...] - may the adventure begin!

We hope you enjoy our tribute to Raiders and trust you will keep your individual copy and your special download code just for yourself - we kindly ask that you please not post it, distribute it, sell it or share it online - as it will make your copy less special. This is your special copy.

Thanks for keeping your special copy special, by not posting your copy online![...]

Laird Dr. Pascal Ivanović Kurosawa is one of the most over-rated moderators in this forum.
aktuell page of diary in work: sign.10,page11 (No. 155 of 288)

#44 03.10.2014, 12:35
Propstar Abwesend

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Betreff: Re: Raiders of the Lost Ark: The Adaptation
Aber meine Download Copy hatte nicht die Flying Wing Szene...hmmmm

#45 03.10.2014, 12:59
Pascal Abwesend

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Betreff: Re: Raiders of the Lost Ark: The Adaptation
Nein, das ist die Version von 1989, die es frueher mal kurz bei You-Tube zu sehen gab. Die Version von 2014 kommt erst spaeter.
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aktuell page of diary in work: sign.10,page11 (No. 155 of 288)

#46 09.11.2014, 13:37
Pascal Abwesend

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Betreff: Re: Raiders of the Lost Ark: The Adaptation
Zitat von Kickstarter:
This email is just to confirm that your survey response has been submitted for RAIDERS GUYS AND THE LOST AIRPLANE SCENE.

Now all you have to do is sit back and wait for a great reward!

Ick freue mir!
Laird Dr. Pascal Ivanović Kurosawa is one of the most over-rated moderators in this forum.
aktuell page of diary in work: sign.10,page11 (No. 155 of 288)

#47 14.11.2014, 04:30
Propstar Abwesend

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Betreff: Re: Raiders of the Lost Ark: The Adaptation
LA Weekly

#48 14.11.2014, 09:32
Leusel Abwesend

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Betreff: Re: Raiders of the Lost Ark: The Adaptation
Sehr schön, vor allem die Zeichnung auf der ersten Seite hat es mir angetan... Zwinkernder Smiley
Das lausigste Mitglied des deutschen Indy Forums

#49 14.11.2014, 12:30
Propstar Abwesend

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Dabei seit: 21.08.2007
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Betreff: Re: Raiders of the Lost Ark: The Adaptation
Zitat von Serano:
Sehr schön, vor allem die Zeichnung auf der ersten Seite hat es mir angetan... Zwinkernder Smiley

Das ist das Cover der Print Ausgabe.

Miniaturansichten angehängter Bilder:
Dateityp: Dateityp-Informationen zu: jpg jpg
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Bildgröße: 960 x 720 Pixel


#50 11.12.2014, 11:42
Pascal Abwesend

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Betreff: Re: Raiders of the Lost Ark: The Adaptation
Zitat von Chris & Eric:
Happy Holidays from The Raiders Guys!

Please accept our apologies for the delay in issuing the remaining rewards (DVDs, Shirts, Posters, Books, etc). Things are taking a bit longer than anticipated with finishing up the plane scene as we forge ahead through post-production. We are targeting an early 2015 to get all of our backers their respective physical rewards finalized and shipped. We will keep you abreast with all progress and updates - and again, our sincere apologies for the delays.


As a reminder, the holidays are upon us and a digital download of our film makes a great gift for those who haven't seen it! Please visit our website.

Thanks again for all of your support and patience as we bring our 30 year childhood dream across the finish line for all to enjoy. We're almost there.

Have an excellent holiday!

Chris & Eric

The Raiders Guys

Laird Dr. Pascal Ivanović Kurosawa is one of the most over-rated moderators in this forum.
aktuell page of diary in work: sign.10,page11 (No. 155 of 288)

#51 04.02.2015, 10:09
Pascal Abwesend

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Dabei seit: 04.03.2012
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Betreff: Re: Raiders of the Lost Ark: The Adaptation
Zitat von Chris & Eric:
    Hi all!

We are VERY proud to announce that the documentary about our Raiders movie, produced and directed by Jeremy Coon and Tim Skousen has been officially selected by the South by Southwest film festival.

It is listed in the "Documentary Spotlight" section, officially announced today by Deadline Hollywood.


RAIDERS! will be making its world premiere this March in Austin, Texas sometime during the week of March 13th to March 21st.

We are still working diligently to finish up post-production on the plane scene and hope to screen it as well in Austin to support the documentary. [...] We anticipate late February / early March for completion and will keep you fully abreast.

We thank you for your patience!

Regarding SXSW screening times for the documentary, they have not been announced yet, so we are in a bit of a holding pattern. You can stay up to date on either the SXSW website, or the documentary Facebook page - both listed here:



may the adventure continue!

The Raiders Guys

Laird Dr. Pascal Ivanović Kurosawa is one of the most over-rated moderators in this forum.
aktuell page of diary in work: sign.10,page11 (No. 155 of 288)

#52 13.02.2015, 14:29
han123 Abwesend

Beiträge: 36
Dabei seit: 11.02.2015
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Betreff: Re: Raiders of the Lost Ark: The Adaptation
Weiß jemand, ob man die Doku auch in Deutschland sehen können wird? Sprich vielleicht sogar im Kino oder zumindest bei einem der Streaming-Anbieter(netflix und Co).

#53 13.02.2015, 15:18
Pascal Abwesend

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Dabei seit: 04.03.2012
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Betreff: Re: Raiders of the Lost Ark: The Adaptation
Bislang ist nichts angekuendigt. Wir koennen die Jägerjungs ja mal fragen, ob wir die DVD mal auf einem Summit zeigen duerfen, wenn sie mal ferig ist.
Laird Dr. Pascal Ivanović Kurosawa is one of the most over-rated moderators in this forum.
aktuell page of diary in work: sign.10,page11 (No. 155 of 288)

#54 13.02.2015, 15:58
Leusel Abwesend

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Betreff: Re: Raiders of the Lost Ark: The Adaptation
Zitat von han123:
Weiß jemand, ob man die Doku auch in Deutschland sehen können wird? Sprich vielleicht sogar im Kino oder zumindest bei einem der Streaming-Anbieter(netflix und Co).

Kann man das Endprodukt dann nicht auf deren Homepage sehen? Hilfloser Smiley
Das lausigste Mitglied des deutschen Indy Forums

#55 13.02.2015, 16:18
Pascal Abwesend

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Betreff: Re: Raiders of the Lost Ark: The Adaptation
Zunaechst ist nur geplant, die fertigen DVDs fuer 50$ zu verkaufen. Aber alles was danach kommt, ist noch nicht klar.

Die Dokumentation hat mittlerweile auch ihre eigene Homepage;
Laird Dr. Pascal Ivanović Kurosawa is one of the most over-rated moderators in this forum.
aktuell page of diary in work: sign.10,page11 (No. 155 of 288)
Dieser Beitrag wurde 4 mal editiert, das letzte Mal am 13.02.2015, 16:36 von Pascal.  

#56 13.02.2015, 16:59
Propstar Abwesend

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Betreff: Re: Raiders of the Lost Ark: The Adaptation
Wir reden hier ja von 2 verschiedenen Dingen:

Der (original) Raiders the Adaptation film, der dann wohl als DVD zu kaufen sein wird (inkl der neuen Flying Wing Szene). Der wird wohl nie im TV laufen, weil das rechtetechnisch nicht möglich sein wird.

Die Raiders! Dokumentation. Die wird jetzt gerade eine Festival-Auswertung bekommen und vielleicht findet sie da einen Käufer. Wenn der international sein wird, könnte er auch hier in den Kinos laufen, ich denke aber eher nicht. Irgendwann später wird es dann wohl auch ne DVD Auswertung dazu geben.

#57 25.02.2015, 23:56
Propstar Abwesend

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Betreff: Re: Raiders of the Lost Ark: The Adaptation
Trailer zur Doku >>> TRAILER <<<

#58 17.04.2015, 08:36
Pascal Abwesend

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Betreff: Re: Raiders of the Lost Ark: The Adaptation
Zitat von Chris & Eric:

Hi everyone!


We’re almost there and are working hard to make sure our 34 year journey is captured and presented to you perfectly!


The DVDs are approximately 4 weeks away from being completed [...]. We are targeting May 25th as our ship date. We've been working with total rock stars at DUART who have made the Raiders Adaptation DVD and the movie look friggin’ AWESOME.


We thank you again for your patience.

To Fortune and Glory,

Eric and Chris

The Raiders Guys


P.S. - Here are some excellent reviews of the Jeremy Coon and Tim Skousen directed documentary, RAIDERS! The Story of the Greatest Fan Film Ever Made.


Laird Dr. Pascal Ivanović Kurosawa is one of the most over-rated moderators in this forum.
aktuell page of diary in work: sign.10,page11 (No. 155 of 288)
Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert, das letzte Mal am 17.04.2015, 08:37 von Pascal.  

#59 08.06.2015, 20:15
Pascal Abwesend

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Beiträge: 8.830
Dabei seit: 04.03.2012
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Betreff: Re: Raiders of the Lost Ark: The Adaptation
Zitat von Chris & Eric:
Hi everyone,

Great news! We have overcome the final obstacles – and made the final DVD authoring touches to this 33 year old project… and signed off.

As I type this, replication has begun! DVDs are being replicated and packaged and will be shipped to Las Vegas where Eric and I will finalize the 1,200+ packages and start shipping out to backers, cast, crew, family, friends, including your own copy of our little film.

So at last - we have, not a target, but a 100% confirmed shipping date:


Please accept our apologies for it taking this long. We are so grateful for your patience – thank you. It won’t be much longer!


Over Memorial Day, in prep for the DVDs being ready, Eric and I convened in Las Vegas and -- along with our wives -- packed hundreds of posters, books and T-shirts, along with pieces of the Well of the Souls, pieces of the plane, certificates of authenticity… getting everyone's addresses and packages all lined up and ready to GO.
Eric's living room packed with RAIDERS REWARDS! Eric's living room packed with RAIDERS REWARDS!

We are looking forward to crossing the finish line. Eric and I, along with an extraordinary team of dedicated people, have worked very, very hard to make these rewards the absolute highest quality and most collectible they can be.

We will be sending a few more updates and announcements to wrap up. Many thanks for your continued patience and support. May the adventure continue!

In gratitude,

Chris & Eric

The Raiders Guys

Laird Dr. Pascal Ivanović Kurosawa is one of the most over-rated moderators in this forum.
aktuell page of diary in work: sign.10,page11 (No. 155 of 288)

#60 04.07.2015, 14:16
Pascal Abwesend

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Beiträge: 8.830
Dabei seit: 04.03.2012
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Betreff: Re: Raiders of the Lost Ark: The Adaptation
Ich habe ja keine Ahnung, wie Ihr heute die Mittagszeit verbracht habt. Also ich habe mir eine neue DVD angeschaut...

Der erste Film auf DVD, bei dem ich im Abspann genannt werde. Juhu! Grinsender Smiley

Laird Dr. Pascal Ivanović Kurosawa is one of the most over-rated moderators in this forum.
aktuell page of diary in work: sign.10,page11 (No. 155 of 288)
Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert, das letzte Mal am 04.07.2015, 14:25 von Pascal.  

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