Beiträge: 3.095 Dabei seit: 01.06.2008 Wohnort: NSU (50Kilometer, nördl.von Stuttgart)
Beiträge: 4.724 Dabei seit: 04.11.2002 Wohnort: Berlin
Beiträge: 140 Dabei seit: 29.08.2009 Wohnort: Browntown
Beiträge: 8.933 Dabei seit: 04.03.2012 Wohnort: <Info auf Anfrage>
Wenn niemand was dagegen hat, werde ich die neuen "Adressen" in meinem ersten Post kopieren (solang ich dranndenke und noch etwas dazukommt )
Beiträge: 875 Dabei seit: 25.01.2012 Wohnort: bei Hannover
John “Dak” Morton: Friends whom you trusted as professionals to do their best. Your various team members went on to work on Raiders of the Lost Ark. Who went with you, and what did you do on that film? Bill Hargreaves: Norman Reynolds was the production designer, so he asked for me. I did a lot of props, construction, and some of the special effects. Steve went on to pastures green. My main prop was as the SS officer walks into the tent he takes out what looks like nunchucks. You think he is going to use it as a torture implement. He then twists them into a coat hanger. A quick release whip-belt hook for Harrison. The bows and arrows and the blow pipes — nearly rejected by Mr. Spielberg, until I blew one across the prop room into the ever present dart board. “They will do,” he said, and left quickly. Also the torches that are used in the snake pit. Had to make some lightweight ones for climbing a cobra for closeups. Lots of bodies for the burial chamber. And the large sun god dressing the interior temple opening scenes.