Komplettes Thema anzeigen 29.06.2024, 09:53
Kukulcan Abwesend
Dabei seit: 04.03.2013
Wohnort: Köln

Betreff: Re: Eine gefühlte Ewigkeit Trump - wann geht es zurück in die Hölle?
Zitat von Kalmanitas:
Wie hat es eine US Amerikanerin so schön ausgedrückt:

Donald Trump is a CONVICTED FELON, business fraud and adjudicated rapist who incited a deadly attack on our Capitol in an effort to subvert democracy and toss out the votes of more than 80 million Americans because he couldn’t handle the fact that we rejected him. He’s a sociopathic megalomaniac who has bragged about grabbing women by the pussy, mocked a disabled reporter, says immigrants are “poisoning the blood” of our country, and refers to his political adversaries as “vermin.”

He intentionally and perpetually divides human beings into factions based upon their differences and then pits them against each other because it is in that hate-filled space where he can grab on to the kind of unchecked power he knows deep down he could never actually earn on the basis of his personal merit, of which he has none.

He’s a sexist, racist, homophobic xenophobe who doesn’t give a flying fuck about anyone but himself.
He has no regard for humanity, no use for decency and he sure as shit has no allegiance to our democracy.

So etwas klingt immer wie „hyperbole“, aber es ist zu 100% korrekt.

Menschen, die Trump (oder die AfD) wählen, wählen Hass, Neid und Bigotterie und sind für mich moralischer Abschaum. Da kann Flow sonstnochwas von verschiedenen Wahlgeschmäckern labern.

WIE schlimm Trump für sein Land und die Welt sein wird, kommt dann an zweiter Stelle.