Komplettes Thema anzeigen 16.08.2023, 13:42
MichaelSop Abwesend
Dabei seit: 20.01.2021
Wohnort: München

Betreff: Re: Fan facts über Indiana Jones Filme
Zitat von Ramona Bailey:
The cobra that spits venom at Harrison Ford in Raiders of the Lost Ark was actually real. The snake was trained to spit venom, but it missed Ford's face by a few inches.

Hold on a sec.

I read that due to that venom spitting snake they installed a glass wall between the snake and Harrison just in case.
Which you can see in the actual film when you look closely to the sand ground.

The venom left the snake indeed - but it just hit the glass wall and not Harrison.
Michael Soppa
Not that Jones, the other Jones!