Komplettes Thema anzeigen 01.03.2017, 23:48
Pascal Abwesend
Dabei seit: 04.03.2012
Wohnort: <Info auf Anfrage>

Betreff: Re: Endlich Fate of Atlantis Remake
Hier die Originalmeldung:

Zitat von fateofatlantisSE:
Hi Fans!
Quick announcement!
We have been asked politely by a new promoted Lucasfilm Head of business development person to stop developing and distributing Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis Special Edition demo.
We will remove the downloading buttons from our website this Sunday (5th March 2017)
We have been told that Lucasfilm don't want to share the Indy license with anyone right one, so we came up with other solution and we will see if that is going to work for them.
We will keep in touch with Lucasfilm people and continuously trying to obtain a deal for a full project development!
Lucasfilm has seen what we have done, we proved our skills, show them a great effort and strong responsibility, they have received all required documents and now it's up to them if they will change their minds and start supporting Independent developers.
Whatever the response will be, We are extremely proud of what we have done, it has been a great fun, we will love this project forever and we thank you all who participated or support us during this "long-term, free-time" development.
Fans community is strong, full of talented people and nobody is going to stop us from doing what we love, because we are doing it right! This is not the end of this project and this is not the end of any fans projects...big companies need to understand that: "All things come to him who waits."

und hier nochmal der Link zum Download der letzten Demo (nurnoch online bis zum 5.3.2017):
Laird Dr. Pascal Ivanović Kurosawa is one of the most over-rated moderators in this forum.
aktuell page of diary in work: sign.10,page11 (No. 155 of 288)
Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert, das letzte Mal am 01.03.2017, 23:58 von Pascal.