Betreff: Helfen, dass Indiana Jones und der Turm von Babel-Arbeit für ein English User?
Hello Lorn,
first you should uninstall and remove all your current installation files, restart your computer and then install the game again using the
You don't need to install J3dUpdate1.2.exe, because the update already is included in the Installer!
Check the date of Indy3D.exe in the folder "Resource", when it's from 2010, the Installer successful patched the files. If it's from 1999, there's something wrong with the installation.
It's normal, that the color depth always will be reseted to 16-bit. It's a bug and there's no way to fix that. You have to change to 32-bit every time before starting the game.
You can use any resolution, I recommend full native resolution of your screen. The only problem is that the Field-Of-View doesn't support widescreen.
Your drivers are all OK.
But after you have installed the game, doesn't use any compatibility mode. Do not use it! There's a file you have to install, located in the "Resource" folder:
Install "Indy3D.sdb" by select "Open" and then search for the file you have to open with. Search for "sdbinst.exe" in the folder "WINDOWS\System32\". Select this file and then click OK to install Indy3D.sdb.
By this method, all important compatibility fixes will be installed.
If it still doesn't work, please download the
manual patcher, extract the archive and copy all files into the game folder (replace all).
Then install Indy3D.sdb as I said before.
Dieser Beitrag wurde
mal editiert, das letzte Mal am 08.05.2013, 17:22 von Penumbra.