Komplettes Thema anzeigen 08.12.2009, 14:51
m.s Abwesend
Dabei seit: 28.03.2008
Wohnort: Köln

Betreff: Re: Fate Of Atlantis - Romanadaption
Ich habe mit Dale ein bißchen hin und her geschrieben und er hat mir einen Brief für das Deutsche Forum geschickt:

"I would like to thank everyone here for their interest in my adaption of Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis. As I told Martin Schlierkamp when he first contacted me, I came across this wonderful forum during my research phase for the story last summer. Prior to that, I was aware that the game had a large following in Europe, but the overwhelming devotion that FOA enjoyed in Germany just amazed me. I suspect its universal appeal is due to the compelling storyline and beautifully-rendered scenery which makes the game so eminently replayable. Back when it first came out I thought it would make an excellent novel, and I wished that Rob MacGregor or some other writer would have tackled the project.

The notion occurred to me when Rob's novelization to Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings was cancelled just before the game was released in June. The news was really disappointing to everyone who had been looking forward to a new Indy book after the decade-long dry spell, so I decided to write Fate of Atlantis not only for my own enjoyment, but also to give everybody else a new Indy story to read while we were waiting for Steve Perry's Army of the Dead novel. Originally, I planned to write the whole story and post it next year to surprise everyone. After completing four chapters, I realized that it might be more appreciated by fans if I released the chapters in serialized installments, like the 1930's adventure serials that inspired the Indy movies.

I was surprised by how much everyone at Club Obi Wan liked the story, and it really encouraged me to make it as good as possible. The icing on the cake was when Christian Guldager offered to paint the cover art, and delivered a masterpiece that absolutely blew me away. And yes, it was my idea to make Sophia look like Julianne Moore. I've always liked Julie, and I even mentioned the idea of her playing Sophia in a movie version of the story on the IndyFan Forum in the late 90's. It only took 10 years to realize my vision! Unschuldiger Smiley )

Regarding Dark Hunter's question about which path the story will take, it will be a mixture of all three. Obviously the team path, since Sophia is with Indy (and I wouldn't think of writing it without her), but I have to change some details to keep the plot moving quickly. In the game, the characters spend a lot of time just talking to people for information. There's not much action to keep things interesting, so I'm devising new dramatic scenes and new characters to maintain suspense, while avoiding other locations altogether. I decided early in the process that I'm not going to write Monte Carlo and Trottier because I never liked that part of the game, and Indy can obtain the sunstone from the digsite in Algeria, which I think offers a better location for a chase sequence than the French Riviera. I am also using the hot air balloon and the camels to cross the desert to the Mediterranean coast, and on to Crete.

Finally, I am aware that some guy at the LucasFan website wrote a novelization (and I use the term lightly) to Fate of Atlantis. I came across it about 8 years ago, and it was godawful. I couldn't even finish one chapter because of how bad the writing quality was. He just seemed to translate every scene from the game verbatim, and that just kills the whole purpose of writing a novelization, which is to expand on a story and explore the characters and situations in depth. A novel should compliment the game, and inspire people to play it again. That's why the idea to write it was so attractive to me. I wanted to reimagine FOA for those who grew up with the game, and for everyone who is discovering it for the first time.

Also, I am incredibly flattered that Norman has offered to translate my story for everyone here to enjoy. I know that he doesn't have to do this, but it's really humbling to know that it will help Fate of Atlantis reach a wider audience than I ever could have imagined. I truly appreciate all of the nice compliments that my efforts have received, and I hope that everybody has as much fun reading this adventure as I have writing it. Stay tuned, because the best is yet to come! Unschuldiger Smiley )
